BaRatin Case Studies

This section contains a catalog of selected case studies that allow illustrating various topics of general interest, such as: frequently encountered hydraulic configurations, stations with a simple and hence didactic hydraulic interpretation, challenging hydraulic interpretations and ways to address them, use of a code or software for a specific purpose, analysis strategy or workflow, etc.

If you think that one of your cases could be of general interest to the BaRatin community, please feel free to get in touch with us and we’ll add it to the catalog.

Case studies currently available are listed below. Case studies appearing in a language other than English are in the process of being translated.

  1. Aisne River at Verrières : the example provided with BaRatinAGE
  2. Ardèche River at Meyras : a standard 3-control configuration
  3. Isère River at Grenoble-Campus : single channel control
  4. Mercier River at D610 road : combination of artificial weirs
  5. The Charbonnières stream : "truncated triangle" weir
  6. Using RBaM : BaRatin in R!