The BaRatin Team

Contact us

For any question on BaRatin, on associated software BaRatinAGE or RBaM, or more generally on rating curve estimation, feel free to get in touch with us at the following address: %at%


The development of BaRatin was supported financially, technically and scientifically by several institutions or projects:

  • INRAE, the employer of BaRatin’s developers
  • SCHAPI (Hydro-meteorology and flood forecasting service) has been funding the development of BaRatin from early on and facilitates fruitful exchanges with users from the French national hydrometric network
  • CNR (concessionary of the Rhone River) funded several developments, in particular through PhDs co-funding
  • BaRatin was supported by the ANR (French National Research Agency) through the FloodScale research project
  • BaRatin was supported by the french ministries for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and for Higher Education and Research (MESR) through the Dumont d’Urville program
  • WMO (World Meteorological Organization) is associated to BaRatin webinars, through its Project X
  • BaRatin greatly benefited from the feedback of many users, in particular users from NEON and USGS (US), and from ACUMAR (Argentina)

The people behind BaRatin…

Many people have contributed or still contribute to the development of BaRatin. By alphabetical order:

Laurent Bonnifait

Initial formulation of BaRatin

Developer de BaRatinAGE v1

Distribution and operational handover

Flora Branger

Initial formulation of BaRatin

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Matteo Darienzo

Rating shift detection

Estimation of shifting rating curves

Real-time estimation of rating curves

Developer of BayDERS

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Ivan Horner

Propagation of stage uncertainty

Developer of BaRatinAGE v3

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Michel Lang

PhDs direction

Integration of hydrometric uncertainties into long historical series

Accumulated wisdom and dbious jokes

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Raphaël Le Boursicaud

Initial formulation of BaRatin

JĂ©rĂ´me Le Coz

Initial formulation of BaRatin

Supervision of the method’s development

Co-developer of BaRatinAGE v2 and BaRatinAGE v3

Distribution and operational handover

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Valentin Mansanarez

Models for hydraulic hysteresis

Models for variable backwater

Estimation of shifting rating curves


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Personal page

Felipe Alberto Mendez Rios

Models for tide-influenced rating curves

Use of 1D hydraulic models

Rating shift detection

Developer of R package RatingShiftHappens.

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Emeline Perret

Detection of hydraulic hysteresis

Models for rating curves affected by aquatic vegetation

Models for tide-influenced rating curves

Models for sedimentary transport

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Benjamin Renard

Initial formulation of BaRatin

Developer of BaRatin and BaM computing codes

Co-developer of BaRatinAGE v2 and BaRatinAGE v3.

Developer of R package RBaM.

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Sylvain Vigneau

Developer of BaRatinAGE v2.