Welcome to BaRatin web page!

To provide operational solutions to the difficult problems of developing, calibrating, reviewing simple and complex rating curves and estimating their uncertainties, the Bayesian BaRatin method (Bayesian Rating curve, Le Coz et al., 2014 ; Horner et al., 2018) has been developed at INRAE since 2010. The method combines the strength of a probabilistic approach (parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification) and a physically-based approach (physical interpretation of parameters and of their change when a rating shift occurs, more reliable extrapolation). Its use does not require being an expert in applied mathematics or river hydraulics. Instead, BaRatin provides a way for field hydrologists to simply formalize and make use of the expertise they do have on flows at their gauging stations, along with gaugings and their uncertainties.

This webpage gathers useful information for BaRatin users: documentation, codes and software, case studies, contact information, blog posts… Happy BaRatining!