
General information

BaRatinAGE v3 is a software package for estimating rating curves and their uncertainties, and for propagating these uncertainties to discharge series. The BaRatin (BAyesian RATINg curve) method is based on a hydraulic analysis of the hydrometric station and Bayesian estimation of the rating curve. BaRatinAGE is the acronym for BaRatin Advanced Graphical Environment.

To install BaRatinAGE v3, simply extract the zip file that you must have downloaded here, provided you have write access to this folder. Double-click on the file BaRatinAGE.exe (for Linux: bin/BaRatinAGE), and (hopefully…) off you go!

Note: the default language when BaRatinAGE is first launched is French. You can change the language via the menu Options…Change language.

Main components in BaRatinAGE

BaRatinAGE handles the following components, whose operation will be detailed in the following pages:

  • The hydraulic configuration is the definition of the set of (hydraulic) controls that govern the physical stage-discharge relation, and their succession/combination as stage increases. The hydraulic configuration induces the equation that will be used for the rating curve.
  • The set of gaugings is the set of discrete measurements of stage and discharge which will be used to estimate the parameters of the rating curve.
  • The structural error model defines the properties of the structural (or “remnant”) error of the rating curve.
  • The rating curve is the stage-discharge model estimated from a hydraulic configuration, a set of gaugings and a structural error model.
  • The stage series is the stage time series (or stage hydrograph) measured continuously at the hydrometric station.
  • The discharge series is the discharge time (or discharge hydrograph) calculated from a stage series and a rating curve.

The four components hydraulic configuration, set of gaugings, structural error model and stage series are input data for the calculations carried out by BaRatinAGE, and must therefore be specified by the user. In contrast, the components rating curve and discharge series are the results of calculations carried out by BaRatinAGE. They can be exported in various formats.