Main frame

General organisation

The window shown below appears when BaRatinAGE v3 starts up:

In addition to the classic menu and tool bars (the operation of which will be described in more detail later), this window has several main areas:

  • On the left, the component explorer which allows you to navigate through the various components created in BaRatinAGE: hydraulic configurations, sets of gaugings, structural error models, rating curves, stage series and discharge series.
  • On the right, from top to bottom:
    • the descriptive panel of the component selected in the explorer;
    • the thematic tabs of the component;
    • the input, computation and chart area corresponding to the selected thematic tab.

When BaRatinAGE starts up, a component of each type pre-exists, with fields that are either blank or filled in by default.

To illustrate how BaRatinAGE works more effectively, we are going to open a pre-registered study. To do this, click on the Open project… tool or in the File…Open project… menu (Ctrl+O), and open the file named Aisne_Verrieres_Example.bam in the example directory (this directory is located in the folder where you installed BaRatinAGE).